Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's been a long time......too long!

Yes I know I have taken too long to post all the updates (slaps wrist) but we have been VERY busy! To make up for my lack of communication I am about to bombard you with too many photos. I hope you enjoy then. Please feel free to comment and ask any questions.

View from the top of the sand heap.
Measuring to mark out the foundations.

Starting to dig the foundations. Lots of work!

We are all pitching in.

Go Sabelo, GO!

Dave peeking over the dirt mound!

Swing that Pick Axe.

Shadrack putting the gate up.

Putting up the veggie tent to grow our organic veggies!

Busy, Busy, Busy!


lindsey said...

well done everyone!!

Unknown said...

Vashti and Martin how awesome are these pix...you guys are really "doing it". I cant believe 5 months have gone by since we were with you guys. I am typing this in in my office here in Bournemouth with the temperature at 0 degrees outside!!!- bet you don't miss that!!!

This first house looks amazing - I was only expecting a single storey how many is it for? I will be showing some pix to the rest of the team and BCC so would like to pop some captions with it.

Just been reading your Blog Vashti..I was like Niagara falls after just a few of the heartbreaking stories that we so easily forget over here...thanks for the reality check.

Missing you and the boys and all the Project O/Metro team heaps and really hope to make it out there in 2009.

P.S. Love the new website by the way!!

PPS Congrats to Posha-Posha on her recent engagement - lucky fella!!