Sunday, August 24, 2008

Digging with Dad!

Everybody’s getting involved!
It’s a bit noisy dad!
Joe was down at the land early at 7am with dad to help clear the land as we prepare to start the building.

The winter fires (wild fires rip across the bush here every winter wiping out the wild vegetation) spread through here last week making the job of the jcb’s alot easier as now they could see where they were going.

Early morning mist rises slowly over table top mountain at the water front of Project O cluster foster home site, valley of 1000 hills, South Africa

1 comment:

lindsey said...

Good job Joe!!! This is an amazing time in God's plan for Project O in Kwa Zulu Natal and in the lives of the orphans you are working with.... imagine their delight when they move into their new homes, homes like they have never known before. Praise God for your faithfulness to stay focused even through the difficult times and also for the faithfulness of those who support you and the work of Project O