Thursday, July 10, 2008

Crisis Center really cares!

A couple of months ago we had a team from Living Waters Missions crisis center come and visit us. God has really put our organization on their hearts and wanted to help in any way that they could.

Diane and her team came by one day and we all went to the Valley to visit some of our orphans. With them they bought food, toys, clothes and Zulu childrens books. We went to see a number of our orphans and the team had a chance to bless these children with the gifts that they had brought with them.

We had such a great day, the children loved their gifts and were so happy to see that some people care about them and their family. The team prayed with each family and I know that this was a huge blessing to each and every person under the sound of those prayers. The day was full of joy and laughter.

And I cant wait for their next visit in august.

Thankyou Diane and the team of faithful friends for coming to bless these children and thier families, I want you to know that not only did you bless them but you also blessed myself and the Project O staff. Thankyou for the encouragement and love that you have shown to us in the short time that we have spent together.

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